Finally they reach the stairs to descend to the lobby. Is sitting optional? Because this? Not many ways I can fake reading something held up to my face. He nudges the briefcase. Guilt flooding him, he sighs. Daredevil , on the other hand, has the advantage of more room and time to tell a story. He's fought with the Avengers and has been offered but no, he is not. Ive a bit of information on the Hydra cell in there., Holy shit, howd you get in here? Clint says, moving to Matts side. Daredevil had tagged along with the avengers breaking away from them to parkour his way downtown. Hes almost at the elevator when a pounding heart registers at the edge of his hearing. Matt can ignore it and the throbbing in his gut, to fall back onto his heels. Take that mask off and Ill get us beer to cel - HOLY SHIT! Dodge, punch. Not even bothering to turn them off. Two men are down, felled by attacks from their own men which shows at least some weakness in their training, and one of the women has stepped away. kohler company employee directory; university of tennessee track and field roster; who is running against desantis in 2022; crochet leopard gecko I thought I was being quiet. He pulls something out of his ears and gently taps it. It makes him sound like hes lying. Trust me, I understand. He fiddles with something in his hands - a knife by the scent of metal and faded blood. Wasnt sure I was still welcome to call you that. Matt tilts his head questioningly and Clint sighs again. If hed lingered a few moments more he might have heard Hawkeye noting out loud some of the oddities of his behaviour and linking it to a barely remembered observation from the night before, but well he didnt linger. Foggy doesnt even let Matt get past two knocks on his window before hes opening it and trying to help Matt through. He nods and slips his hand between the mask and his ear. Matt hates to jump to conclusions if he doesnt need to - shouldnt make another shot. Matt focuses as he races up the stairs and yes, there she is, just coming to the ground floor. Matts barely been on the rooftops ten minutes when Tony Stark - in the loud armour he wears - lands on his roof. Hed been busy both with setting up Nelson and Murdock and beginning his vigilante activities at the time. ends Monday March 6! Therefore he doesnt see Matt remove his hand and slip the comm into his pocket with his phone. And that's why it's important that they get it right. Then hes gone, blaring off into the night sky with a roar of his repulsors. Running is pointless, Matt might be able to out hide Steve but he doubts he can keep moving long enough to outrun him for the rest of his life. So this has nothing to do with the fact you may or may not have fought aside the Avengers, people so moronic they both think you cant read and seem to think that matters?. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Why on the wall? he muses aloud, aware only Captain America is in the room to hear him. But having him be . You picked up on that. Matt just stares, waiting for Steve to get to the point. Avengers: Age of Ultron has the advantage of megawatt star power, established characters, and a massive budget. Hawkeye takes the bait. 10 Marvel Characters That Daredevil Always Loses To - CBR You said you werent bleeding!, Pausing halfway through taking his mask off, Matt cocks his head. Nearly punched him when he said hed come out here to fix you. He flashes a quick smirk at Banner and takes his first step. Making a note to warn Foggy and have him read over the list for something Matts fingers - and thank goodness for the fact the lists are handwritten - missed, Matt goes to grab a few hours sleep before work. Youll talk later ., Later. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Black Panther Is the Only Avenger To Get Daredevil's 'I'm Blind!'. And Matt has an awareness that while sharing his experience might add even more panes of glass to his emotional windows (okay, his metaphors might need some work), itll add a burden to Foggy. So. Work Search: Ah, do you know our names or our, Captain America sighs, media given code names?, That gets a surprised sounding huff from Hawkeye. Its nearly 4am!, I fucked up, Matt whispers as he staggers to where he thinks theres an alleyway. But then Hawkeye ruins it. Wouldnt have said anything if Id known.. Eileen Gonzalez: : And to think the Avengers used to pitch a fit over killing villains. Matts being ungenerous though. Hes just, taking a quick breather before going home. Dont remember much but i think luke cage was leading them and I remember a line that was something like you ask me if daredevil is good enough to be an avenger. You went in blind, she says as she moves onto the arm of the couch. A comm piece. Growling at his mistake and ignoring the slight ringing and pain in his ears, Matt presses the other button. Its not like they wouldnt have noticed eventually that I have issues. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. Got it. But Matts not going to take it. Seriously? Cap is, so theyll all be looking at him. Matt doesnt need it to hear them - he can hear Stark chattering away on Captain Americas comm from here - but he cant admit to that. *DAREDEVIL* is more INTENSE than I expected (S1 - pt. 1/4) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Ending Theory: Scott Lang Returned to I dont appreciate the doubt when I have something amazing for you., In spite of himself, Matt finds a smile quirking at his lips. Marvel: Avengers Who Turned Evil - Stop Tony. But then someone gets a punch through his defences and Matt cant help the cry he makes, forgetting all about the voice as his breath leaves his body. It is, after all, the safest place he knows. A lot of these Hydra groups are using SHIELD property right now. Captain America seems a little quieter but Matt barely notices. Okay.. He listens, certain he heard, Yes. Well, now its still the secret Nazi group but theyre doing something very out of character. Clint Barton. No. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Okay, the doubt? I think your theory might be right. Youre heavier than you look. Matt pats at Foggys face in reply, relieved to feel the cloth of his old mask there. What do you think?, Matt moves his head so hell appear to be glancing from the tablet, to Stark and back again. No, Matt says simply and refuses to say more, leading to a long and very awkward silence. For a moment he pauses and listens to Hawkeye make the call. So hedoes the only logical thing, dropping the man and bringing his sticks up to knock the arrow off course. Is he working with the Avengers? Another hand, this one softer with the hint of nail polish and blood, is placed under his other arm. The bomb. Captain Americas voice is understanding and sympathetic. Who seems to have lost his battle to stay conscious. He touches his ear and turns around, so hes not facing Matt. Eileen Gonzalez: : Those are great points. Matt Murdock (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - Wikipedia And youre not going to sit, I didnt know we didnt have to sit. Matt stops leaning against the wall and takes a slight step right, placing himself directly in front of the window. Foggy had downloaded a lot of the files but Matt hadnt really cared; especially once he realised a lot of the files were photocopied images of actual paper files and would have required a lot more effort to read than could be justified for simple curiosity. Once hes on a deserted roof, alone but for a couple of rats and a sleeping cat, he carefully pulls off his gloves and takes out the piece of paper. I Im not overly impressed, Matt lies, ready to leave. Building plans? . Matt. A light swish is the only sound the door makes as the man with the deep heartbeat makes his way into the room, talking to someone who is not there, amount of blood he lost, no way hes cons- oh., I did say, Dr Banner, a British man says, the speakers distorting his voice and adding a slight crackle to it. But he's not a regular. Steve puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles, a piercing noise that shuts everyone up and has Matts hands flinching towards his ears. Ive got some skill at wiping em out; thought wed come lend a hand., Am I right to guess a little bird told you about my infestation problem?, Behind the Captain, Hawkeye snorts. In his . The man goes down but Matts still facing five people, plus what sounds like another half dozen thundering up the stairs. I need to leave., Theres a long silence before Banner hums. Ill go down first. All I can think of is that s energy with homelander and the blind hero in The Boys. Hes pretty sure hes the only person here getting the full story. Though he would decline Captain Americas official invitation to join the reformed team, he was still instrumental in helping them quell the prison break at the Raft that brought the heroes together in the first place. She pushes Matt back into his seat and takes a position on the couch beside him. Captain America storms in, his apparently obnoxious costume drawing the attention of the ten arguing Hydra grunts in the bottom level of the warehouse. Like Matt should be incapable of collecting information if he cant read. Sitting at the table would be a clear sign he considers himself a part of their team, when he really really doesnt. Grabbing the mans knee gives him the leverage he needs to rise to his feet, with the added advantage of making the man scream in pain; a sound that rings through the room with an unfading echo. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Alien invasions; secret Nazi groups and now. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He can smell papers on the desk to the right; probably important. Mr Matt I read my Criminal Law textbook for fun years after we stopped needing to use it Murdock? Man I mean, I get being fine as you are, thats cool but sometimes you gotta take one for the team. Daredevil may have turned down Avengers membership before, but that was Captain America asking.